
Wednesday 12 October 2011

Driver Perception And Reaction

Driver perception and reaction time is defined as the interval between seeing, feeling or hearing a traffic or highway situation and making an initial response to what has been perceived.

Perception reaction time varies from less than .5 sec to 3 sec or more. Green Shields has indicated that, in general:

1. The speed of all forms of reaction varies from one person to another and from time to time in the same person.

2. Reaction time changes gradually with age, very young and very old people being slower in their reactions.

3. People generally react more quickly to very strong stimuli than to weak ones.

4. Complicated situation takes longer to react to than simple ones

5. A person's physical condition affects his reactions. For example, fatigue tens to lengthen a person's reaction time.

6. Distraction increases the time of all reaction except the reflex.